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Life Before Biofeedback

With over 17 years of experience in the wellness and fitness industry I have spent time as a former bodybuilder, indoor cycle instructor, personal trainer, yoga teacher, self-love and personal empowerment facilitator, body confidence coach, speaker, writer for Best Holistic Life Magazine and author of The Voice Inside. Within this timeframe I knew there was something greater I was being called to step into...

Healing and transformation have always been my soul's calling. Being a practitioner of Quantum Biofeedback Therapy has made it possible to support and encourage you on your healing journey to discover and unlock your full potential, by using this scientifically grounded method of enhancing your body's innate capabilities. More than just a wellness trend, this revolutionary technology in the form of energy medicine is the future and I'm so excited to share it with you!

"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek." -Joseph Campbell

Quantum Biofeedback Specialst

My Experience with Quantum Biofeedback 

I fell in love with this form of energy medicine years ago. I believe that until you address the stagnant energy in your spiritual and emotional field you will remain stuck in your old patterns and beliefs no matter what healing modalities you try. After years of using traditional talking therapy, I realized that my unconscious still carried all my cellular memory of my stored emotional experiences. Even with reiki, acupuncture, energy clearing with shamans, psychics, past life regression, nutritional biofeedback, transcendental meditation, sound bowl healings, and spiritual retreats there was a disconnect with my healing journey.


When I found Quantum Biofeedback, I achieved what felt like 10 years of all these healing modalities wrapped into one healing modality, with 3 months of consistent biofeedback sessions. I could see all the shadows in a different way than I had before and my perspective started to radically shift. My healing journey suddenly felt more integrated, and this deep sense of surrender and peace I felt, was helping to restore my nervous system. My reactions to old triggers lifted out and I felt that my peace wasn’t being disturbed in the same old ways. Instead, I experienced extreme clarity, focus, calm, and a consistent state of neutrality within myself. 

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